Health Insurance Company In India

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Health Saving Accounts

Health saving Account is the major medical policies with a large deductibles and low premiums. It is an excellent way to control your monthly payments and at the same time save on your future costs, if any.

The amount saved in these accounts may vary from year-to-year, thus allow you to save on investment earnings. The money withdrawn from these accounts for medical expenses is tax and penalty free. This money can be used for health and medical care solutions.


  1. Well to an extent i guess investing in a health insurance policy is almost as good as investing in a health savings account. It allows you to put a small amount of money in, and then gives you a large amount when you need it. A health savings account, you end up paying the amount yourself, after collecting it over the years.

    For me, both sound good, and depends on personal choice. What is important is that you keep yourself ready for health-related problems.

  2. Good information shared. i used to think that health insurance and these plans are one and the same thing, but was wrong

  3. true....... good info shared.

  4. i agree nice piece of info...
